
Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Motivate yourself

You know what?
The only person that can make you happy or sad is yourself. You decide it, whether to be happy or down. You decide it to yourself.
If someone make you sad and let you down. Don't be sad! Who they think they are?
If you are sad, they won and successful make you feel down. and you lose to them.
Why not you be strong and forget them. They just your scum in your life. Be friend with people that only support you and valued you.
If you fail in your exams, don't feel down or sad. Try again and study hard. If you let yourself down, you won't or never achieved success in your life. You will be a useless person for the rest of your life. Doesn't matter if you lose or fail many times, but never let yourself stop working. Keep moving and moving. Don't stop. Believe me, YOU will win one day.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Equality vs Fairness. Are they same?

Equality also means Equivalence, Sameness, Balance, Equilibrium, Similarity. Make it easy, equality means state of being equal (kesamaan).

This is equal...

For more brief, I'll give you a situation. If you are a mother and you have two children. You give the first child Rm1 and how much will you give to the second child for being equal? It is also Rm1 right? So, the first child got RM1 and the second child also got RM1. It is 'equal'.

But. what about fairness? The above situation isn't about fair? Actually, fairness is more complicated.
Equality can be Fairness but Fairness not necessarily Equality
Fairness is a quality of being just (keadilan)
Fairness is put something at the right place.
I'll give you another situation.
"You are a husband and a father. You have two wives. The first wife had 6 children and the second wife had 2 children. How to be 'fair' in term of home or shelter?"
As a conclusion, The first wife must has a bigger home for them than the second wife because the first wife had 6 children but the second wife only with 2 children. It is 'fair'.
For more example, you feed your first wife with side dish anchovies. But, your second wife is allergic towards anchovies. So, you have to give her other food or meal like chicken or shrimp or anything else. It is Fair. I remind you again that Fairness is put something at the right place.

Is it clear, readers...?

Sunday, 3 June 2012

The only you, MOM.

I made this poetry for you mom, hope you like it :)

Love is such a precious thing, the currency of life I never knew, keep it for eternity. The person whom I love the most is my mother because the day I said my first word was "mama". I love my mother deeper than the ocean. She touches me like no one could ever do. I love her so much because she supports me in everything I do and she gives me whatever I want. I have a dream, a beautiful one, to help me through reality. She teaches me how beautiful life is because it is filled by ups and downs. I care about her happiness as she cares about mine. I cannot be at peace if she is not. She know how I feel about her and no one will ever take her place in my heart. I could swim the longest river just to call her name... "Mom..........!". I need her till the end of my life. I can never imagine what would it be living without her by my side. She is the greatest person in my life. She inspires me a lot. Thanks for being my hero, my only mom.

Thanks for everything, mom :)

Monday, 26 March 2012

Stop hoping, but try to solve

Apa nak buat dengan masalah yang tak selesai2?

Mintalah petunjuk daripada Allah... Ask for His Guidance, ask truly from the bottom of your heart.

Bagaimana kalau dah doa kt Allah tp xselesai2 pun?


Kalau xde perubahan lagi?

MINTAK je LAGI. Allah tak kedekut.

Kalau still tak selesai?



Mustahil Allah tidak perkenankan doa kita bukan? Kalau sudah byk kali mintak, tapi masih tak ada apa2 perubahan, tu masalah dengan diri anda sendiri.
Tak kan la Allah nk biarkan kita dlm kebuntuan... Allah kn syg kat kita.
Pertolongan Allah samada cepat atau lambat je...
Kenapa ada yg cepat dan kenapa pula ada yang lambat?
Kerana, Allah tu tahu kemampuan kita.
Allah tidak membebankan hambaNya melainkan dengan kemampuan hambaNya itu sendiri.

Tapi bagaimana pula dengan masalah diri kita sendiri ni? *ni yg saya ingin fokuskn*
Masalahnya sekarang kamu itu fikir yang Allah tak makbul pun doa kamu, tapi hakikatnya Allah dah bagi ilham, tapi kamu sendiri yang tak cuba untuk menyelesaikannya. So, tu adalah masalah kamu!
*the problem that i want to talk about is actually express on feeling/ heart/ relationship*
Kamu itu sibuk memikirkan tentang kesedihan yang kamu hadapi, sibuk dengan hati kamu yang berkecai dan bertaburan di dasar hati. Kamu sibuk dengan diri kamu yang kamu fikir seolah-olah tiada lagi sinar yang kamu lihat. Kamu sibuk dengan semua KEPEDIHAN itu. Tapi tahukah kamu??? Terlalu banyak lagi di luar sana yang perlu kamu fikirkan dan ambil peduli. Adakah dengan 1 kepahitan, kamu akan menutup mata kamu terhadap kebahagiaan yang lain? Kamu resah dengan 1 kepahitan itu sehinggakan kamu 'memahitkan' semua yang lain. kejamkan kamu? Ada banyak lg yang perlu kamu gembirakan... Jangan hanya memandang kepada yg lepas... Jika hal itu sudah kamu tangisi dengan air mata darah, bagaimana pula untuk kamu menghapi ujian2 mendatang? kalau semacam itulah kamu, kamu tidak kuat. Kerana 1 hal itu sudah kamu memandang berat sehingga luluh hati, bagaimana untuk kamu hadapi hal lain yg lebih berat daripada itu? Kamu tahu apa yang saya nak cakap? Kamu terlalu sibuk dengan masalah itu sehinggakan kamu lupa yang kamu perlu hadapi untuk menyelesaikannya. Ia seolah-olah kamu membiarkan kesedihan itu terikat mati di tengkuk kamu, dan kamu tidak ingin melepaskannya.
Dan satu lagi, kamu tahu tak kenapa masalah kamu BERTIMBUN-TIMBUN?
"aahhh.... masalah tak selesai2, makin banyak ada la..."
Sebab kamu tak cuba untuk menyelesaikan masalah itu satu-persatu. Bagaimana nak berkurang masalah kalau macam itu lah kamu. Sekarang kamu berfikir bukan apa masalah kamu sekarang? Masalah kamu adalah kamu tidak cuba untuk menyelesaikan masalah kamu itu.

Kawan, terlalu banyak pelangi yang mahu membentuk di hati kamu, tetapi mengapa kamu membiarkan hujan petir menyekat kehadiran matahari di hati kamu sehingga menghalang pembentukan pelangi?

So, stop thinking about your problem, but try to solve IT!
Menyelesaikan masalah tidak semestinya berakhir dengan 'good ending' tetapi mungkin juga dengan 'sad ending'. Tapi ia mungkin yang terbaik untuk anda. Allah knows the best for you :)
Stop thinking about the past, because the future is yours also.


Saturday, 24 March 2012


JARI-JEMARIMU menyentuh lebih lembut tetapi tegas...
Sebab itu kita boleh mengenal seseorang daripada kehalusan ira jarinya.

Bukankah ira jari semua manusia di atas muka bumi ini tidak sama?

Ira jari Saidina Umar yang begitu keras menggenggam pedang pada siang hari menjadi begitu lembut untuk mengesat air mata keinsafan pada malam hari.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud, "Agama itu teguh, oleh itu berurusanlah dengan lemah lembut dan baik." (Riwayat Ahmad bin Hanbal)

Muhammad, Z. (2009). Keluarkan Singa daripada Diri Anda. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Do You Think That You Are Intelligent?

Be Peace Upon You...

Jangan pernah menganggap orang yang cemerlang dalam peperiksaan adalah orang yang bijak dan orang yang tidak cemerlang dalam peperiksaan adalah orang yg tidak bijak.
Because intelligence means the ability to learn from one's experience and use resources effectively in adapting to new situations or solving problems.(Sternberg & Kaufman, 1998; Wechsler, 1975)
In other words, when you were experienced something, you learned and acknowledged it and at the other time you can adapt and apply it. So, thats mean you are intelligent.
Contohnya.... sejak sekolah rendah lagi anda telah diajar untuk BULAT jawapan yang betul, tetapi setelah anda masuk ke sekolah menengah, anda hanya tick( / ) pd jawapan yang betul. Definitely, you are not intelligent. haha...

There are 2 Theory Of Intelligence.

1. Spearman's Theory
    ~ g factor/General Intelligence
    ~ s factor/Specific Intelligence

apa itu g factor?
-the ability to reason and solve problems
-general intelligence

maksudnya... pengetahuan am yg anda tahu ttg sesuatu perkara, spt music, business or arts.

dan apa s factor pula?
-the ability to excel in certain area
-specific intelligence

s factor ni, pengetahuan kita yg mndalam di dalam sesuatu bidang.
cthnya.,, seorang doktor sgt bijak dalam professionnya, perubatan contohnya ttp tidak bijak dalam bidang yg lain cthnya sastera.

2. Multiple Intelligence (Gardner's Theory)

According to Gardner, there are 9 Type Of Intelligence

1) Verbal- means you are intelligent in linguistic and language.

2) Musical- ability to perform music or know how to play music instrument
                   * if you just a bathroom singer, you not intelligent in musical. haha...

3) Logical/Mathematical- It's a IQ intelligence, you can think logically and solve mathematical problems. Ramai yang mengejar2 untuk bijak dalam area IQ ni, tp tidak cuba untuk bijak dalam bidang lain juga spt social, movement atau verbal contohnya... Jika anda hanya bijak dalam IQ ttp tidak dalam social, bagaimana anda dpt bekerja dengan baik suatu hr nanti?

4) Visual/Spatial- ability to understand how objects are oriented in space, ni lbeh kurang astronomi la... if you think you are intelligent in this area, you suppose to be a astronaut or pilot. :)

5) Movement- if you good in gymnastic or dancing or martial arts, you are intelligent in movement.

6) Interpersonal- sensitivity to others and understanding motivation of others. It's like a social skill. You can understand people. If you good in this, luckily, you can be a psychologist.

7) Intrapersonal- knowing and understand own strength and weakness. It's like you can communicate with yourself.

8) Naturalist- ability to recognize the patterns found in nature, you can be a botanist, farmer, biologist.

9) Existence- ability to see the 'big picture' of the human world by asking questions about life, death, and the ultimate reality of human existence. Sample occupation, philosophical thinker. sounds great rite?

So, whats kind of intelligence you are?
Let's take a simple test.
but, it's not the real test from Gardner, I just found this test from other web. Don't believe 100% in it, but it just a guideline for you...

Click for TEST

Jadi... kita semua mesti menghormati dan menghargai antara satu sama lain kerana  masing-masing ada kelebihan dalam bidang2 tertentu. Itulah uniknya ciptaan Allah.