
Thursday, 22 March 2012

Do You Think That You Are Intelligent?

Be Peace Upon You...

Jangan pernah menganggap orang yang cemerlang dalam peperiksaan adalah orang yang bijak dan orang yang tidak cemerlang dalam peperiksaan adalah orang yg tidak bijak.
Because intelligence means the ability to learn from one's experience and use resources effectively in adapting to new situations or solving problems.(Sternberg & Kaufman, 1998; Wechsler, 1975)
In other words, when you were experienced something, you learned and acknowledged it and at the other time you can adapt and apply it. So, thats mean you are intelligent.
Contohnya.... sejak sekolah rendah lagi anda telah diajar untuk BULAT jawapan yang betul, tetapi setelah anda masuk ke sekolah menengah, anda hanya tick( / ) pd jawapan yang betul. Definitely, you are not intelligent. haha...

There are 2 Theory Of Intelligence.

1. Spearman's Theory
    ~ g factor/General Intelligence
    ~ s factor/Specific Intelligence

apa itu g factor?
-the ability to reason and solve problems
-general intelligence

maksudnya... pengetahuan am yg anda tahu ttg sesuatu perkara, spt music, business or arts.

dan apa s factor pula?
-the ability to excel in certain area
-specific intelligence

s factor ni, pengetahuan kita yg mndalam di dalam sesuatu bidang.
cthnya.,, seorang doktor sgt bijak dalam professionnya, perubatan contohnya ttp tidak bijak dalam bidang yg lain cthnya sastera.

2. Multiple Intelligence (Gardner's Theory)

According to Gardner, there are 9 Type Of Intelligence

1) Verbal- means you are intelligent in linguistic and language.

2) Musical- ability to perform music or know how to play music instrument
                   * if you just a bathroom singer, you not intelligent in musical. haha...

3) Logical/Mathematical- It's a IQ intelligence, you can think logically and solve mathematical problems. Ramai yang mengejar2 untuk bijak dalam area IQ ni, tp tidak cuba untuk bijak dalam bidang lain juga spt social, movement atau verbal contohnya... Jika anda hanya bijak dalam IQ ttp tidak dalam social, bagaimana anda dpt bekerja dengan baik suatu hr nanti?

4) Visual/Spatial- ability to understand how objects are oriented in space, ni lbeh kurang astronomi la... if you think you are intelligent in this area, you suppose to be a astronaut or pilot. :)

5) Movement- if you good in gymnastic or dancing or martial arts, you are intelligent in movement.

6) Interpersonal- sensitivity to others and understanding motivation of others. It's like a social skill. You can understand people. If you good in this, luckily, you can be a psychologist.

7) Intrapersonal- knowing and understand own strength and weakness. It's like you can communicate with yourself.

8) Naturalist- ability to recognize the patterns found in nature, you can be a botanist, farmer, biologist.

9) Existence- ability to see the 'big picture' of the human world by asking questions about life, death, and the ultimate reality of human existence. Sample occupation, philosophical thinker. sounds great rite?

So, whats kind of intelligence you are?
Let's take a simple test.
but, it's not the real test from Gardner, I just found this test from other web. Don't believe 100% in it, but it just a guideline for you...

Click for TEST

Jadi... kita semua mesti menghormati dan menghargai antara satu sama lain kerana  masing-masing ada kelebihan dalam bidang2 tertentu. Itulah uniknya ciptaan Allah.

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